November 3rd, 2021 MNA Management team was invited to Lambton college, Mississauga branch International Department and met Ms. Philippa Morris (International Admissions Officer), as the representative from Lambton college. After receiving the Agent agreement this was MNA Management Group’s first official visit to the college and had a detailed meeting and question and answer session there at the end. MNA Management Group was represented by five members this time Mr. Nadeem Aslam (Chairman), Mr. Azhar Abrar (V. P, Real Estate & Business Development), Dr. Saghir Mehar (Leadership & Strategy, Senior Fellow HEA), Mr. Ahmed Mazhar Bashir (Advisor- Projects and Education) and Mr. Noman Siddiqui (Admin. & Operations). The focus of this visit was to introduce our team with theirs and to get clarification of the process of workflow with them.

Lambton College is the higher education partner of choice for students who want a hands-on advantage as they train for careers in traditional and emerging industries. Lambton College takes great pride in giving personal attention to the professional future of each and every student. Lambton college provide opportunities for innovation at every turn, rigorous quality in our programs and services, and energy put into the things we value most.

During the visit, Ms. Philippa, Representative at Lambton College, gave the team a tour of the facility which include both buildings and shared the future growth plans of Lambton college. Ms. Philippa also highlighted the well-rounded college experience and a hybrid learning model which Lambton College has specifically designed for its students to provide them with experiential learning which include the main building of the college also known as Queen’s college. We also met a couple of students that were coming in for studies and practical projects from technical courses during the tour. We were shown the cafeteria area and the common rooms where the students can relax and study. Due to the COVID-19 at that time all the classes were online, and the college was hoping for everything to get back to normal.

At the end of the day, we came into one of the classrooms where the question and answering session was held and we can get clarification of a couple confusion. We were also informed of a few famous programs like Health Care Diploma, Computer Diploma and Business Management Diploma that has gained tremendous popularity among the students and industry. These programs are granted and delivered by Queen’s College. Graduates use their problem solving and critical thinking skills to analyze the problem and develop solutions for enterprise. We also got clarification that where do most of the international student come form in Lambton college. We also asked for a couple marketing materials so that we can give them to admitting students from our side. As well as got clarification of the use of Lambton marking materials and its compliance regulations as well. The main issue that was highlighted by Lambton college was housing issue that is where we came in with our expertise of Mr. Azhar Abrar as an expert Realtor in our team. The issue they had was that majority of their international students were from one region of the sub-continent, where we were focusing mostly on the whole South-East Asia sub-continent, middle east, and other parts of the world as well. We also offered them faculty exchange and part time faculty teaching facility as well if they needed any.
This was a very important visit and meeting at the facility before Mr. Nadeem Aslam grand Business visit to Pakistan in December 2021-January 2022. We took a wealth of knowledge from this meeting and a lot of business prospects was cleared highlighted as well.
Further discussions and meetings will continue soon for further understanding and MOU.