Online Conference By Consulate General of Pakistan

Online Conference By Consulate General of Pakistan

Thursday 25th November 2021 – A productive and critical meeting took place online with regards to international students with a great panel of people brought together by the Consul General of Pakistan, Abdul Hameed. The topic was assigned was as “Why does the number of Pakistani students in Canada remain low: CG Toronto Abdul Hameed's view” organized by the Consulate General of Pakistan in Toronto, Canada. The objective of the meeting was to see why less students were coming to Canada from Pakistan comparatively to other countries. This conference took place after the one-on-one meeting with Consul General of Pakistan, Abdul Hameed.  

MNA Management Group’s team member, Dr. Saghir Mehar (Leadership & Strategy, Senior Fellow HEA), participated in this conference and highlighted some key factors in which our community here in Canada can work on. We are grateful to see that we have Dr. Saghir as a key member in our team.


Dr. Saghir from MNA Management Group proceeded to present results, problems and expected solutions what companies of Canada can do to help international students to come to Canada and represented statistics from an internal research project that assessed the success/failure rate of students from Pakistan in achieving Canadian student visas. Critically, they found that an alarming number of students from Pakistan were unsuccessful in attaining a student visa for Canada in huge numbers. This has created a demographic shift in Canadian soil in all aspects of current papulation. 

A lot of people took place in this meeting and giving statistics and their success stories including the issues they are facing when applying for students. The other key member of the conference was a MP of Ontario Iqra Khalid was there to take the matters up and high levels to get the process on the way.  

Other Conferences are taking place by the High Commission of Pakistan, Toronto on different topics to smoothen the process and attain feedback of public facing issues. To view the complete video on Youtube please visit the following link.

Conference Video

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